Discover Our Groundbreaking Projects
Infrastructure Grant
Title: Health Care System Optimization and Analytics
Principal Investigator: Noreen Kamal
Funder: Canada Foundation for Innovation
Research Nova Scotia
Dalhousie University
Funded Amount: $287,237.00
Starting- Ending: Jan. 2020. - Dec. 2024
Project & Operating Grants
Title: Improving Diversity in Engineering Across NS (IDEA-NS)
Principal Investigator: Noreen Kamal
Funder: NS Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Funded Amount: $50,000.00
Starting- Ending: Jul. 2023 - Jun. 2025
Principal Investigator: Noreen Kamal
Funder: NSERC Alliance [Partners: Medtronic and Lumiio]
Funded Amount: $1,020,482.00
Starting- Ending: Mar. 2023. - Feb. 2026
Title: Evaluation of the Synaptive 0.5 T Evry MRI: Potential Improvement in Patient Outcomes and Reduced Cost to the Health System and Patient
Principal Investigator: Noreen Kamal
Funders: Mitacs Accelerate, Synaptive Medical Inc.
Funded Amount: $120,000.00
Starting- Ending: Apr. 2022. - Mar. 2024
Title: Virtual Innovation for Stroke Investigation and Treatment during COVID-19 across Canada (VISIT-Canada)
Co-Principal Investigator: Amy Yu and Noreen Kamal
Funders: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR): Addressing the Health Impacts of COVID-19
Funded Amount: $401,383.00
Starting- Ending: Feb. 2022. - Jan. 2024
Co-Principal Investigator: Amy Yu and Noreen Kamal
Funders: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR): Addressing the Health Impacts of COVID-19
Funded Amount: $401,383.00
Starting- Ending: Feb. 2022. - Jan. 2024
Title: Develop Theories and Methodologies for Improved Treatment Times in Integrated Emergency Department Systems
Principal Investigator: Noreen Kamal
Funders: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC): Discovery Grants Program
Funded Amount: $167,500.00
Starting- Ending: Apr. 2020. - Mar. 2025
Title: Harnessing the Power of Data Analytics Against COVID-19: Developing Decision Support Tools for Policymakers
Co-Principal Investigator: Ahmed Saif and Noreen Kamal
Funders: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC): Discovery Grants Program
Funded Amount: $50,000.00
Starting- Ending: Apr. 2020. - Mar. 2023
Title: Optimizing Access to Endovascular Treatment for Rural Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
Principal Investigator: Noreen Kamal
Funder: Nova Scotia Health
Funded Amount: $96,000.00
Starting- Ending: Jul. 2022. - Jun. 2025
Title: ACTEAST: Nova Scotia Workshop (Learning Session) and Site Visit
Principal Investigator: Noreen Kamal
Funders: Medtronic: Contract
Funded Amount: $6,000.00
Starting- Ending: Sep. 2019. - Aug. 2021